

Networking on the robot is fun! Not only that, but it is important to feedback diagnostic information to the driver station to help drivers know the robot’s state during a match and help programmers debug issues with the robot.

Network Tables

WPILib provides the NetworkTables library for communicating data between devices on the robot and the driver station. NetworkTables is a key-value store, meaning that data is stored in a table with a key (name) and a value. The value can be strings, booleans, doubles, etc.

There are several different “Tables” on the robot, each with a different purpose.

  • SmartDashboard
    • Used to communicate information to the dashboard on the driver station computer.
  • FMSInfo
    • Used to communicate match information from the field management system to the robot.
  • Limelight (May be named differently, ex. “limelight-homer”)
    • Used to communicate information from the Limelight sensor to the roboRIO and the driver station.


To get a NetworkTable, you first have to get the nt::NetworkTableInstance object using the nt::NetworkTableInstance::GetDefault method. Then, using that NetworkTableInstance object, you can get a nt::NetworkTable using the nt::NetworkTableInstance::GetTable method.

#include <networktables/NetworkTableInstance.h>
#include <networktables/NetworkTable.h>

// Get the default NetworkTableInstance object
nt::NetworkTableInstance ntinst = nt::NetworkTableInstance::GetDefault();

// Get the SmartDashboard table
std::shared_ptr<nt::NetworkTable> sd = ntinst.GetTable("SmartDashboard");

Reading Data

To read data, you can use the “Get” methods of the nt::NetworkTable object, such as

  • GetNumber
    • Gets a double value from the table.
  • GetBoolean
    • Gets a bool value from the table.
  • GetString
    • Gets a std::string value from the table.

All the “Get” methods require the key (name) of the value to get, and a fallback value to return if the key does not exist in the table.

double double_value = sd->GetNumber("my_number", 0.0);
bool bool_value = sd->GetBoolean("my_bool", false);
std::string str_value = sd->GetString("my_string", "");

Writing Data

To write data, you can use the “Put” methods of the nt::NetworkTable object, such as

  • PutNumber
    • Puts a double value from the table.
  • PutBoolean
    • Puts a bool value from the table.
  • PutString
    • Puts a std::string value from the table.

All the “Put” methods require the key (name) of the value to get, and the value to put.

sd->PutNumber("my_number", 4.2);
sd->PutBoolean("my_bool", true);
sd->PutString("my_string", "Hi!");


Instead of using the low-level NetworkTables API, you can use the SmartDashboard class, which provides a simpler API for reading and writing data to the SmartDashboard table.

#include <frc/smartdashboard/SmartDashboard.h>

// Writing data
frc::SmartDashboard::PutNumber("my_number", 4.2);
frc::SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("my_bool", true);
frc::SmartDashboard::PutString("my_string", "Hi!");

// Reading data
double double_value = frc::SmartDashboard::GetNumber("my_number", 0.0);
bool bool_value = frc::SmartDashboard::GetBoolean("my_bool", false);
std::string str_value = frc::SmartDashboard::GetString("my_string", "");

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