November 12th Pre-Season Meeting
Today we will start learning about how to program motors and basic sensors! We will cover how to spin a PWM Servo motor, how to spin a motor using a TalonSRX motor controller, and how to use a digital IO sensor.
PWM Motor
PWM Motors are one of the most basic types of motors. Typically, the only control you have over a PWM motor is the speed and direction in which it spins.
To control a PWM Servo Motor on the test board, see this page.
TalonSRX Motor Controller
TalonSRX motor controllers are connected to the CAN bus and provide more control than PWM motors. They can be used to control the speed and direction of a motor, as well as provide ways to control the motor’s position and velocity.
To control motors using a TalonSRX motor controller, see this page.
Digital IO Sensors
Digital IO sensors are sensors that can be connected to the digital IO ports on the RoboRIO. These sensors provide a digital 1 or 0 signal, which can be used to determine if the sensor is triggered or not. Some digital IO sensors include beam breaks, limit switches, and flag sensors.
To use a digital IO sensor, see this page.